"(References) It looks no different, but it has changed. I’m looking at you. You are different.
- Lennon/McCartney
When you decide to display photos or custom framed art in Santiago, you may also need to consider the following points in addition to choosing where to hang them. One consideration is which glass should I use? I know I know How to decide? It’s just glass, isn’t it?
I don’t want to tell you. Although human life is equal, the profitable framework is not.
Is plastic that good?
although technically not glass, acrylic fiber or plexiglass is another option. The advantage of these options is that they are light in weight and not fragile, and can be purchased from ordinary, glare free and environmentally friendly options.
The bad news is that acrylic acid and plexiglass are easy to scratch, they are more expensive than glass, and must be cleaned with soft cloth and plexiglass cleaner. Windex is impossible.
Wal Mart is not an art store
One of the first choices for glass is transparent glass. Let me answer your question. Yes, almost all contact lenses are transparent. But if provided, transparent glass” This is a good way to say cheap and thin. Because of the low price, most of the frames bought in the cheap department stores have transparent glass. The disadvantages of using transparent glass are terrible glare and ultraviolet protection.
We know how much you like the lovely bright red Pollock print hanging in a prominent position on the sofa. If there is no transparent glass, unless you live in a cave, you will soon become a Peto Bismol Pink… if you are lucky.
The spirit of transparency
A small upgrade is called clear protection. If there is enough UV protection, there will be no pink Pollock. Of course, dazzling is still a problem. Maybe wearing sunglasses, or just leaving at night.
Clear protection will help protect children’s photos cut in school yearbooks or travel magazines.
You can see the difference
Anti reflective glass is the same thing. No, it’s true. This is the invisible man in the glass. “No glass if you like” Look, this is the way. Oh, wait a minute. Like cheap sunglasses, there is no sun protection. So if you are afraid of fading, go elsewhere.
The disadvantage of anti reflective glass is that it is heavy, easy to scratch and distorts the image. People keep looking to find out if it is the fingerprint on the glass.
Hello, Tesla
If you are a person who only buys the best things, please say hello to Tesla’s photo protection and museum glass. This baby has many customized features. It is based on an anti reflective coating and adequate UV protection.
We need to find out
When you prepare the framework, going to the experts can save time and frustration. Experts can explain all your options, keep them within your price range, and guarantee the work. You want the end result to be something you proudly hang on the wall.